

In years past we regularly conducted outreach to our community through evangelistic events at the church property and special work projects helping people with property repairs and maintenance. In addition, we took part in missions outreaches both domestically and internationally, such as relief projects in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina, and in  Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.

These traditional outreaches were constrained by the Covid outbreak that began and 2020 and so we transitioned to an ongoing outreach we call "The Community Share Table". Under a tent in our parking lot we set up a tent with tables and containers for non-perishable food, household items, cleaning supplies, and clothing. The church makes sure there is always food available and others in the community regularly donate other items. In addition to the food and everyday items we also provide Bibles and Gospel literature. We have been told by many that these various goods and items were truly helpful during the many disruptions to the economy caused by Covid.

Freedom Fellowship Church

15010 Scotchtown Road, Montpelier, VA, 23192

